Quick info for you to know more about the current lab options to test adrenal and reproductive hormones, with pros and cons.
Lab Type #1 - Blood Labs
This is the type you are probably most familiar with as it is the common method used by your medical doctor. Insurance usually pays for these, when requested by your doctor. However, nowadays, you can self-request through national chains like LabCorp and Quest.
When it comes to blood labs for hormones, the results you receive give you a "snapshot" of your hormone status in that moment. Like a camera, you can see the status of the hormones you requested right when the lab was performed. In addition, you are testing the amount of hormone made and released into the blood for transport throughout your body. In order to be transported, it must be bound to a transport protein. You can request a lab to test for how much hormone is free in the blood but that is not how the hormone is usually present in the blood and that detail needs to be considered when reviewing the results.
You can quickly get tested and see results
May be paid for by insurance
Only shows a snapshot in time
Mostly see protein bound hormone levels
A very important lab test for immediate hormone levels and emergency situations.
Not ideal for testing functional levels or cyclical hormone
Lab Type #3 - Urine Labs
While you have most likely given urine samples during medical exams, urine testing for hormone levels is different. This test is usually performed at home and a drop of urine is placed on a special test paper, allowed to dry, and mailed into the lab. Since urine is the end product of metabolism, the results show how much, of each tested hormone, was used by your cells. In addition, the test shows what metabolites are present in the urine which allows the doctor to determine how your body is using the hormones and if you have deficiencies, not just in a specific hormone, but in cofactors and nutrients that are necessary for you to properly use the hormones that are present. This is crucial information because some deficiencies can lead to your body metabolizing your hormones in ways that are harmful for your cells.
Easy to test
Usually can test from home
Measures free hormone levels
Can compare hormone levels throughout a period of time
Measures how much hormone your cells used
Measures metabolites
Indicates how your body is using the hormones
Indicates if there are dangerous deficiencies
Results take time. Not to be used in an emergency.
Great lab for testing hormone levels, especially to discover how much is actually being used.
Can support healthy hormone metabolism to keep cells safe.
Lab Type #4 - DUTCH Test
DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones. The DUTCH Test is a comprehensive functional hormone test. It combines saliva and urine testing for a more complete picture of hormone levels as well as metabolites. In addition, it also includes an Organic Acid Test which tests additional metabolic processes that can provide insight into nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, gut dysbiosis, melatonin, neuroinflammation, and more.
Easy to test
Usually can test from home
Measures free hormone levels
Can compare hormone levels throughout a period of time
Measures how much hormone your cells used
Measures metabolites
Indicates how your body is using the hormones
Indicates if there are dangerous deficiencies
Includes an Organic Acid Test
Results take time. Not to be used in an emergency.
Very thorough lab for hormones, metabolites, nutritional deficiencies, gut health, and more.
An important, comprehensive test for anyone in hormonal transition.
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You can see a sample DUTCH Test for a woman here:
Best price for a DUTCH test, click here.